Selling your homeTips & TricksUncategorized February 24, 2022

Eight tips to get your home ready to sell in 2022


So you’ve decided to sell your house? Congratulations! Are you worried about getting your home ready to sell? You’re not alone. Most sellers are worried and overwhelmed at the idea of putting their house on the market. But with just the right tips, you can be on the right track toward getting the winning offer to close on your house!

Hire a Realtor – Working with the wrong realtor can ruin your sale. Pick someone who is knowledgeable about your area, has a proven track record, has a powerful team or agency supporting them and most importantly, whom you feel comfortable with! You’re going to be spending a lot of time together so you’ve got to make a great team!

Work on curb appeal – Take a look outside at your driveway and front door area and see what might need some freshening up. This is the first area buyers will see when they come to your house. Perhaps trim those bushes, lay down some fresh pine straw, replace that faded front door mat, power wash your driveway and walkway or plant a welcoming plant in an pretty container by the front door. Fresh and clean always wins when it comes to first impressions!

Organize your closets – buyers love storage space. If your closet is overflowing with stuff, it will look like it’s something your home is lacking. If it’s summer, pack up your winter clothes, jackets and boots and vice versa. Remember you will be in your new space before the next season rolls around!

Remove clutter and personal items – Now is the time to get started on packing before all those offers start rolling in! A clean space feels like a big space. So, make a conscious effort to remove personal items like photographs, extra pillows from the couch and keepsakes. It’s hard for a buyer to imagine living in your space with Grandma Betty peering around at them.

Remove polarizing items – polarizing items include political and religious memorabilia and favorite sports team items. Don’t get mad at me here – just bear with me! Think about sports rivalries (especially the SEC here in the south). Potential buyers could form an opinion of you and your space just by seeing these things. You want the best chance to make your buyer fall in love with your house – not be mad that you are a Georgia fan and you beat their team last year in the Chick-fil-a bowl!

Fresh paint – a fresh coat of paint will do wonders to clean up a space. You should especially consider this if your walls are painted a bright or deep color. You might love that dark blue, but buyers love neutral colors which also make your space feel bigger.

Clean the carpets – If you have carpets in your home, they need to be clean before you show it. Not only will it improve the appearance of your home, it will eliminate any smelly odors that might be locked in.

Deep clean – Sometimes it’s hard to notice areas that need to be cleaned when you are living in your home. I’m a big fan of hiring a professional to help when you are juggling a million other things. Hire someone to come in and dust for cobwebs, clean baseboards and scrub that bathroom and kitchen ’til it sparkles!

Congratulations on taking this big step to get your house ready to sell! If you are in need of a professional Realtor, I would love to help you on your journey!

Contact me by clicking here to get started!